Wednesday 3 December 2014

"Don't give up! It's not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back". - Dr. Steve Maraboli

Nov 9, 2014 (still catching up...)

Suffice it to say the week was rough while I was dealing with The Aftermath (and the infection). So thank God my father in law Randy was with me.

He got me out for a walk everyday. That helped enormously. I could have just finished crying when he showed up in the morning - usually with a mocha for me in hand - and we kept so busy during the day that I'd be good till he left to go get the kids. It was like the eye of the storm during the hours between 9-5 while he was with me. Relatively calm and my spirits would be up. It was any alone time that would result in tears.

So really, a cry in the morning, and one in the evening (sometimes again in bed) isn't all that bad considering what a low point I was at. You could almost say it was good for the soul to get it all out. A (much needed?) release.

Wednesday I had my appointment at the clinic to see how I was doing and hopefully get the IV out. It was finally getting to be "emotionally unbearable" cause it limited me so much (the IV was in my hand so I had to be very careful and gentle that it didn't get pulled out or get irritated). It was also a constant visual reminder that I was 'sick' which was far from comforting. The canser was finally physically removed from my body (from surgery) so I should've been on the mend. Not slowed down - which is how I felt.

My wonderful father in law showed up Wednesday morning with my favourite car - his grey mustang. I love that car so I had a good morning, excited to get to go to my appointment in style. Course that's more than I could say for my 'look' with the fanny pack they gave me to carry around the IV machine.

"Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful". lol

I was also pumped cause I was going to finally be tube free!! No foreign objects attached or stuck in me. The day I got my last drain out, I had to trade it in for an IV tube. I was itching to get it out. The thought of showering without a bag on my arm (to protect the IV site) or with anything else that cramped my showering style was enough to make me giddy.

We got to the hospital and I had to stop myself from running to the clinic. The few hours before vacation are always the longest and most torturous. That's how I felt walking to the clinic. Then waiting for the doctor. It was almost painful ha.

Randy left the room while I was checked over.

"Looks good. We'll give you 10 days of oral antibiotics, same as the IV, only in pill form. If anything changes come back."


My nurse (same as each clinic visit) came and took out the IV. I really wanted to do a celebratory dance I was so happy...almost manic happy!

No more tubes, no more fanny packs, no more red patch - it was time to celebrate! Given it was 11Am and I was on antibiotics, booze was not a good option. So we got celebratory mochas instead! One more hurdle behind me. That mocha was heaven. It was great sharing that happy moment with Randy.

The rest of the week we continued to go for our daily walk. Did some errands. I even made some kick ass, mostly organic, pasta sauce. Although it was still tough the few moments I was alone, the IV removal gave me a kick, and I think I started back on an upwards wave... except maybe for the emotions I was feeling about my sense of self. But by the weekend that was improving too.

I am so incredibly thankful Randy took that time off. It helped in ways I didn't realise until I looked back. It reminded me once again how lucky I am to be so loved and have such incredibly selfless people in my life.

Thanks Randy!

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