Thursday 17 July 2014

Ol Mac

July 16, 2014

So we spent 6 days and 5 nights at Old Mac and packed a whole lotta fun in that time. Went to the beach everyday except Monday and Tuesday when we left. The kids had a blast with their cousins and their friends. They spent like 80% of their time on their bikes. You should see Ethan on his run bike (no pedals). He keeps up with the rest of them no problem lol. There are playgrounds spread throughout the campground so there was always something to keep them busy. There were animals there too in a sort of petting zoo. The kids especially loved the two gentle horses.

My parents and Grandma came out for the day Friday. Spent part of the day at the beach. My Grandma is a feisty 86 year old who still takes no pills and travels almost all the time. She is a pretty amazing woman (understatement) and all the grandkids and great-grandkids (14!) love her to pieces. She's pretty popular with the adults outside our family too but I think that's cause of the dirty jokes she likes to tell ha ha....
After they left Friday afternoon, the kids bugged us till we caved to rent these pedal go karts. They seat from 1-5 people. We got a few 4 seaters and a couple 3 seaters. I don't know who had more fun - the kids or the adults!! Me and Liz went flying down the hill whooping and hollering  - it was like the parting of the seas - everyone got out of our way!! Wonder if it was the crazed look in our eyes?! lol Poor Gabe (Bobbi's lil guy) was holding on for dear life. But he was smiling so we assumed he was enjoying himself ha ha...although maybe he was too scared to scream...All the kids kept switching seats so they all got to ride together at some point. It was really fun. You only rent them for a half hour at a time - which is fine cause it's quite the leg workout.

There's also a candy store, an arcade and you can get ice cream at Grandma's Kitchen. It's pretty much kid heaven. We got most of the kids on the little train (for kids only!). Gabe didn't like how loud the motor was that pulls it so he hung out with Phil and I at the park. He kept asking when Ethan was going to come back lol. Those two are so cute together. Same with Aydan and Emily - 'sisters' they call each other. They will be a formidable pair when they are older - a blonde and redhead who are incredible 'independant' and maybe a bit 'bossy'...uh I mean have leadership qualities lol.

There were hardly any squables - and I think only between siblings. We were having such a great time we even booked sites for next year. For 10 days! 

The first time we came to Old Mac was last year. We stayed from Thurs to Sun.We had booked to come for 10 days this year but thought dry camping for 10 days while going through chemo would be too hard (just staying clean and eating well). So we settled for Thurs-Tues. But next year 10 days for sure! And everyone else booked too! Now we just gotta put the bug in Dave's ear and it will be perfect :) 

It was great for everyone. Sunday everyone but us and Phil's parents left. We took the kids on the merry go round. It was fun - even for the "big kids" lol. The last night we took the kids for ice cream after supper then a hay ride (which Emmy informed us was only a tractor ride because there was no hay lol!). They loved it. Then we went to the candy store. I felt like I was re-living my childhood again ha. 

We were sad to be packing up Tuesday. So were the kids. But we are coming home and then spending the rest of the week doing a 'staycation' around Calgary. Hopefully Calaway Park. Maybe Kayben Farms. Maybe a movie. We'll see how the week goes. Supposed to be hot! On the weekend we are supposed to go hiking in the mountains with Phil's very good friend Marv and his family. I'm excited cause next week is chemo week, so I"m happy we're able to continue the 'mountains before chemo' trend. I have been amongst nature every weekend before chemo so far. Hopefully just 2 more chemo rounds. 

Maybe it's cause its still far enough away but I don't feel scared yet for next treatment. Hopefully we are in the homestretch. It's a new drug for me but I also have some of my own "preventative" medicine now in my arsenal with only good side effects so that is a huge mental comfort.

The whole time at Old Mac I relented on my diet. No red meat but coffee every morning and usually a beer at night. Never more than two but it felt so nice to have a few days "off". Well, not completely off - was still mostly vegetarian except for a couple dinners.

All in all it was a great time spent with great people. Can't wait for next year!!

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