Dec 2014
So with everything going on since we did the Run For The Cure I haven't had a chance to talk about officially becoming a One Aim member of my beloved One Aim Conquer Cancer cycling team...
Yup, cycling lol.
That is definitely a sentence I never thought I'd write...That's not even the crazy part. People who join One Aim can't join just to cycle. Oh no. You have to sign up to participate in The Ride To Conquer canser. Yes - participate.
For those who haven't read previous posts on this, it's an over 200km 'bike ride' that raises money for The Alberta canser Foundation. I've called it before a bike ride for crazy people.
I guess I'm a crazy person now. Cause I signed up for the 2015 Ride in Calgary in August.
So did Phil. The crazy train has left the building....
But I met the One Aim team at a very vulnerable point in my journey. Read the blog "The Mall" if you are curious (or haven't read it) from May 2014 when they first came into my life - before I even knew who they were.
When their teammates reached out to me via that blog post, things shifted and my life started down a path even I didn't realise at the time.
I've met some absolutely inspiring people on that team. People with hearts of gold who took in a scared (though trying to be brave) lil bald woman and supported me in ways that amazed me. One team member, Dennis, did the triathalon in Joe's Team, in my name. Then Dennis and Cam signed up to do The Run For The Cure on my team before even meeting me (in person)! Then at The Run they paced themselves with me from start to finish (they could do a 5k in their sleep). I share a love of Guinness with most of the team. Matt and Hal put my name on (Matt's) survivor flag and (Hal's) riding 'bib' for The Ride in 2014.
They got a friend for life with that 'small' gesture.
I was touched to tears.
Many have come to my numerous parties (to celebrate the end of each stage of treatment) and also my Fundraiser. No one thought it strange that a bald mama came to join them on a few occasions at The Last Straw pub after their Tuesday night training rides.
Elaine is a fellow female canser survivor who has always checked in with me after reading my rough blog posts.
And then there's Nigel. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere hidden in his closet there is a cape and suit. I've mentioned before he is a 2x canser survivor as well as a canser researcher. Yet he has this complete positive, optimistic, passionate drive. Where he leads, people follow. It is impossible to not be charmed by him. He's a little crazy (ha ok alot!) but he has a zest for life that is contagious. In some of my darkest moments it's been a message from Nigel that made it not seem so bad.
I could go on and on about every single team member I've been privileged to meet.
So really, no matter how crazy it may be, how could I not join this team that have become part of my 'care' team. They helped lift the burden of canser when it was too heavy to bear. In my mind they were already 'my' team.
We chose a special time to join the team. Phil and I signed up for The Ride the week following The Run for The Cure. I had completed my 1st 5K 2 weeks after my 8th and final chemo treatment. I wanted to celebrate that achievement by committing to 'my' team and upping the ante for 2015 with a 200 plus km bike ride...
Did I mention that it's over 2 days? Ya, so like just over 100km a day...
Matt's personal story of his battle over leukemia and how he joined The Ride a few months past his treatment - when his body was still battered and broken - inspired me to run the 5K no matter what. By joining The Ride next August I hope to inspire someone else on this road.
Originally I was going to wait to join One Aim once I got the all clear and treatment was done. But after seeing what my body was capable of after The Run and all the love and support I had - I decided no matter what was going on in my life, I was going to do the 2015 Ride. Come Hell or High Water as we like to say in Calgary...
So why wait to sign up?
Phil and I each have to raise $2500. Yes, that's $5000 total in order to participate. So our links to our personal pages have been added to my blog and here:
My Link to 2015 Ride
Phil's Link to 2015 Ride
I hope the telling of my story will help to raise some funds. I will post on FB from time to time and find other ways to raise money so we reach, and hopefully surpass our goal.
So here's to surviving. And going beyond what we think we are capable of.
So with everything going on since we did the Run For The Cure I haven't had a chance to talk about officially becoming a One Aim member of my beloved One Aim Conquer Cancer cycling team...
Yup, cycling lol.
That is definitely a sentence I never thought I'd write...That's not even the crazy part. People who join One Aim can't join just to cycle. Oh no. You have to sign up to participate in The Ride To Conquer canser. Yes - participate.
For those who haven't read previous posts on this, it's an over 200km 'bike ride' that raises money for The Alberta canser Foundation. I've called it before a bike ride for crazy people.
I guess I'm a crazy person now. Cause I signed up for the 2015 Ride in Calgary in August.
So did Phil. The crazy train has left the building....
But I met the One Aim team at a very vulnerable point in my journey. Read the blog "The Mall" if you are curious (or haven't read it) from May 2014 when they first came into my life - before I even knew who they were.
When their teammates reached out to me via that blog post, things shifted and my life started down a path even I didn't realise at the time.
I've met some absolutely inspiring people on that team. People with hearts of gold who took in a scared (though trying to be brave) lil bald woman and supported me in ways that amazed me. One team member, Dennis, did the triathalon in Joe's Team, in my name. Then Dennis and Cam signed up to do The Run For The Cure on my team before even meeting me (in person)! Then at The Run they paced themselves with me from start to finish (they could do a 5k in their sleep). I share a love of Guinness with most of the team. Matt and Hal put my name on (Matt's) survivor flag and (Hal's) riding 'bib' for The Ride in 2014.
They got a friend for life with that 'small' gesture.
I was touched to tears.
Many have come to my numerous parties (to celebrate the end of each stage of treatment) and also my Fundraiser. No one thought it strange that a bald mama came to join them on a few occasions at The Last Straw pub after their Tuesday night training rides.
Elaine is a fellow female canser survivor who has always checked in with me after reading my rough blog posts.
And then there's Nigel. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere hidden in his closet there is a cape and suit. I've mentioned before he is a 2x canser survivor as well as a canser researcher. Yet he has this complete positive, optimistic, passionate drive. Where he leads, people follow. It is impossible to not be charmed by him. He's a little crazy (ha ok alot!) but he has a zest for life that is contagious. In some of my darkest moments it's been a message from Nigel that made it not seem so bad.
I could go on and on about every single team member I've been privileged to meet.
So really, no matter how crazy it may be, how could I not join this team that have become part of my 'care' team. They helped lift the burden of canser when it was too heavy to bear. In my mind they were already 'my' team.
We chose a special time to join the team. Phil and I signed up for The Ride the week following The Run for The Cure. I had completed my 1st 5K 2 weeks after my 8th and final chemo treatment. I wanted to celebrate that achievement by committing to 'my' team and upping the ante for 2015 with a 200 plus km bike ride...
Did I mention that it's over 2 days? Ya, so like just over 100km a day...
Matt's personal story of his battle over leukemia and how he joined The Ride a few months past his treatment - when his body was still battered and broken - inspired me to run the 5K no matter what. By joining The Ride next August I hope to inspire someone else on this road.
Originally I was going to wait to join One Aim once I got the all clear and treatment was done. But after seeing what my body was capable of after The Run and all the love and support I had - I decided no matter what was going on in my life, I was going to do the 2015 Ride. Come Hell or High Water as we like to say in Calgary...
So why wait to sign up?
Phil and I each have to raise $2500. Yes, that's $5000 total in order to participate. So our links to our personal pages have been added to my blog and here:
My Link to 2015 Ride
Phil's Link to 2015 Ride
I hope the telling of my story will help to raise some funds. I will post on FB from time to time and find other ways to raise money so we reach, and hopefully surpass our goal.
So here's to surviving. And going beyond what we think we are capable of.