Sunday 25 May 2014

The Infamous, Fabulous Kelly

May 25, 2014

What a great afternoon. Just got back from Kelly's head shave Fundraiser at Ceili's Pub. She and 6 of her BFF's (all young and beautiful by the way) raised money for Breast Cancer Supportive Care Center. They raised over $30, 000!


Holy cow am I lucky to have her in my (canser) camp - that is commitment and determination on an epic scale!! Canser won't know what hit it.

I was a bit emotional when I got there. I shaved my head in the quiet of my own home. Just me, Phil and the kids. Phil was my barber. I wondered how she was feeling and hoped that shaving it in front of a crowd at a pub wouldn't be too much for her. 

When I got there and saw the hundreds of people at the sold out event, my anxiety for her raised a few levels. 

No matter how much you say "its just hair", when you have to shave it, it's emotional. There's emotional in your own bathroom, then there's emotional in front of a standing room only crowd lol.

But knowing what little I do so far about Kelly, I shouldn't have ever worried. 

Kelly is compassionate, funny and strength personified. In my bad moments, she is my sanity when I feel lost and alone. Everyone there, was there for her. The other 6 courageous, beautiful ladies shaving their heads in solidarity were doing it with her, for her.

Hell when I first got there with Ethan (Phil & Emmy were meeting us there after a bday party) I had so many people ask "are you Cindy?" (guess my bald head gave me away since I was the only bald lady at that point) and I was hugged by 5 different people I never met.

How could I be worried these people would make it worse for Kelly??

They shaved all 7 heads. I teared up when Kelly was done - she was now part of the bald club and I wish she didn't have to be.

But wow was she glowing (they did give em each a shot right Honestly though she looks fabulous so I hope that is some consolation in the next few days as she adjusts to her new do. That and knowing that "getting ready" takes way less time lol Although the biggest consolation is knowing she has 6 others in her circle that look just like her. 

All beautiful, bald babes!

After the shave there was a call out to anyone else who wanted to shave their heads. A bunch of people and KIDS stepped up! 

So pretty soon I was just one bald head in what felt like a sea of many. It was a great feeling. (and did I mention there was a firetruck there...with firemen?...enough said...)

I had many people clap me on my back as I walked by and say "Congrats, good on ya!!". I smiled at the inside joke (they didn't know I also have canser...) but it was nice to just be one of many. I had to explain to the bartender though - I couldn't take credit when i was gonna lose my hair anyways. Turns out he had been through chemo twice when he was younger! He ended up buying my 2 beers for me. I left a little speechless.

People are amazing. Like really, truly amazing.

But Kelly was at the centre of it, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

So here's to you Kelly. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and allowing me to be a part of yours.


(I promise I'll get back to the funny in canser and away from the sappy in future posts lol)

This video was put together by Kelly's friend Mandi Connolley. Get out your Kleenex and get ready to be inspired.

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