Thursday 17 April 2014

Cancer 101

April 17, 2014

Firstly, I talked to my nurse today and she said my Oncologist would go over all the CT results when I meet with him on Monday. 

I think my heart stopped for the half second it took her to add "but I didn't see anything that jumped out at me about metastasis (ie that the cancer has spread to other places in my body) or anything like that when I scanned over your report... although embedded in the report they may want to do other investigations but there was nothing that jumped out". (I guess the reports can be kinda long so it sounds like she just scanned it as opposed to read through the whole thing) 

So I had a half sigh of relief...I will definitely feel better after going through it with the oncologist, but at least there doesn't appear to be a skull and crossbones attached to my file...Small Silver Lining?? That should hopefully get me through till Monday...

As should some of the information we got from the 3 info sessions we have been to at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in the past 2 days! Keeners, I  know....

Let me start by going back to yesterday afternoon (pre freak out about the message on my voicemail to call about my appointment) Phil and I decided to attend the info session on Alternative Complementary Therapies from a woman who is trying to make the Tom Baker a national leader in Integrative Oncology. 

I'll start with when we arrived. We drove separately cause we both came from work. As I was walking to the building I snapped this pic of where I will be likely spending quite a bit of my time over the next while...

My first thought was "well, they certainly don't mince words":

At least the entrance had the full name of the centre...

I felt a bit emotional as I walked up. 

But as I walked into the centre, I felt a kinship with everyone I saw there - patients, nurses, doctors, volunteers, family and I was joining my comrades in arms. We are united in our mission. We have a common enemy and a single purpose - to fight, and live.

So within 5 minutes, or maybe less, I was at peace being there. 

It represents hope to me. 

Ya I know, leave it to me to walk into a Cancer Centre and feel like I fit right in lol They better be careful, usually when I feel this way about something it becomes a passion which means a cause I am ready to take on...and then they wont be able to get rid of me... even when I'm long healthy! 

Then Phil showed up and the trance was broken ha ha ha I'm kidding...But we found the auditorium and listened to this great lady named Linda Carlson talk about her vision for having an Integrated Oncology program that is the first of it's kind in our country - where conventional and complementary (alternative) medicines/techniques can be used with an educated Oncologist staff on what is proven or promising along with conventional medicine. It is just in its beginning stages but she went through quite a few complementary therapies, including herbs/supplements/food (and confirmed avoiding red meat, eat plant based diet as much as possible and exercise!) Exercise is HUGE...and is now going to be part of my daily routine. (I just cant catch a break! No beer, eat green plants and exercise? Someone has it out for me...)

She did not mention medicinal marijuana....Sooooo of course I had to ask. Did I mention I was one of the youngest in the class?? (maybe the youngest) So maybe my nickname now is "Pothead Mama".... 

But the research is promising on THC and CBD (properties found in cannabis) for both the chemo side effects (helping with nausea and munchies...oh I mean "appetite stimulation") as well as some promising results when it comes to slowing tumor growth, slowing spread of cancer cells (or stopping but I don't know if enough studies exist yet to claim this) as well as attacking the cancer cells and protecting the healthy cells (most of what I looked at was specific to breast cancer but there was lots on other cancers as well). 

She doesn't think the oncologists in Alberta will necessarily be familiar with prescribing or dosing for it ( you eat it, not smoke it....) and for encouraging it. But this is one therapy that I will fight tooth and nail for, at least while I'm doing chemo. I don't really care if they are comfortable with it or not - its my body, and I am very comfortable with it. And the bloody Government of Canada says it's ok so how the hell is this still taboo??? So Monday should be interesting - esp if they try to tell me no...(maybe someone should warn them???)

This morning we went to a session on sleep - or rather not sleeping. It was insightful and I got some good info and some help resources. And this afternoon was the "Cancer 101" class on basics of the treatments, the Tom Baker itself and support help. Had some family with me as well (we had our own section!) I would recommend all of the sessions so far - they are free and you don't have to register.

I may have also asked the nurse (who's been working at Tom Baker for over 30 years) about the medicinal marijuana...Although I waited till the room cleared cause the mean age was closer to 50 or 60 and I didn't think they would necessarily "approve", comrades or no....She wasn't sure but said to definitely ask the Oncologist and go from there. My poor Oncologist may curse both of them for encouraging me lol

It was nice having my family by my side today. Felt like a united front. "Mess with her, you mess with us." I could get used to that.

And then I got home and I had a package in the mail from my good friend Bridget in BC!! Yippeee! I love snail mail!! 

It is a beautiful tea mug that says:

What lies behind us 
And what lies before us
Are tiny matters
Compared to what lives within us
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

And it has a breast cancer support ribbon!! And then a beautiful bird on the other side carrying a ribbon....My Silver Lining today!!

I will use it every day...

Maybe even when I allow myself a glass of wine :) 

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