Tuesday 8 April 2014

Cindo the Pincushion

March 26, 2013

Ah Biopsy Day. Until now i had been terrorizing myself with lots of good scary things, but now i had a procedure at hand where they were going to stick a NEEDLE into my BREAST...while i was awake! FUN!

Andrea once again had advice "tell everyone you can how anxious you are" Done! And they were all awesome! I have to say of all the things I've been through this is not the most pleasant but certainly is not at all like I had imagined. VERY little pain, and only from the freezing needle - and pain is an overstatement - more like a bit of burning when the freezing went in. The radiologist this time was awesome as was the tech. 

They took 6 samples, and 2 little needles in my lymph node.(they just sampled 1) They talked me through the whole thing, and it wasn't scary at all. Ok, maybe a little scary (ha!) cause of the reason i was there in the first place but the procedure was fine. So, if you ever have to get one, you will worry, but try not to, its not really bad AT ALL (this coming from the biggest spaz on the planet!)

At one point i asked the Radiologist "so do you get people who are crying and really freaked out on the table?" He thought about it for a moment then said "no, but we get fainters! Sometimes they even faint before they come in". This odd conversation as my breast was hanging out and he was cleaning up was oddly comforting. Don't ask...heaven knows i've stopped and just roll with it. It  does cause a giggle now and again when i think about that conversation though!

They did such a good job at not scaring me, i thanked everyone i saw on my way out - even the booking ladies at the front! I'm sure they thought I was a bit off my rocker.

 They told my by Wed or Thurs the results should be at the doctor. (about 7 days) Ok. Seven more days to try to not drive myself crazy....riiiiiiight......

I didn't see it but I'm sure the people (and there were a handful on speedial, text or in person) who had to deal with me the week leading up this point had to breath in paper bags....

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