Wednesday 9 April 2014

Holy Cow I'm Almost Speechless!

April 9, 2014


I don't think I had any expectations when I started this blog. Just a practical way to keep those I love and care about informed. And as a way to keep my head screwed on straight. And to (try to) keep my spazzy nature in check....

But whatever I expected, it was not this overwhelming wave of encouragement. This fierce pulse of strength & support & love.


I'm almost speechless. And that's about as speechless as I get!!

I have received messages ALL DAY LONG. From friends scattered all over the globe. Did you read that?? ALL OVER THE FREAKING GLOBE!! People from my present, people from my long distant past. 

All telling me the same thing in different ways:

I love you. Fight. HARD.

The visual that pops in my head is that of a marathon. Except I'm the only runner. And you are all my champions along the side, cheering me on! Well, cheering with cattle prods...Cause if this was an actual run, I'd be screwed without cattle prod type of motivation....

My point is you can't walk this for me. But you can cheer me on, prod me when required and help carry me when I need a break but must keep moving forward.

My heart is full of love today. Overflowing actually. And every message, prayer, text, or call adds to my defiance of this wretched diagnosis, ten fold.

My Silver Linings today are almost too many to count.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(By the way I took Daisy for a run tonight....ok, ok a jog/walk/jog/walk...and I'm definitely glad its not an actual run...although I did push myself till my lungs were on fire...20 min later....A for effort??)

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